Privacy policy

Introduction is confident that the privacy of its customers, as well as her other relationships and website visitors is essential. The personal data are treated with the utmost care and security, in full compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). is located in Castricum, The Netherlands.

Technical Information

Generally you can visit our website without your personal data provided to us. Like many websites, this website does automatically collects certain non-identifiable information about users of the Website, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) – address of your computer. The IP address of your Internet Service Provider, the date and time of access to the website, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site, the operating system you are using, the sections of the website you visit, the pages of the site you visited and the information you have viewed, and the materials you post to or download from the website. This technical information is used to manage the website and system, and to improve the website. We pass on this technical data to our trusted partners. They process this data on the basis of our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy. For example, we use partners for website design, management and hosting.

Processing of personal data

If you choose to provide us with information voluntarily, we will use that information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Personal data of the student or organization

The moment you enter your details on our website, your personal data will be recorded, for the execution of our services. Your personal data (1) to provide information about the services and other activities, (2) to assess your suitability and availability associated with mediation for an internship or temporary work or an assignment, (3) to enter into and maintain an employee or staff / agency relationship with you t, (4) to capture an assignment with the client in an agreement with the client and to maintain the contract with the client and to perform (5) for the promotion of your personal development, including education and training, (6) for management purposes, including information management, taking care of internal control and operational safety and exercising audits and auditing, and (7) to meet legal and regulations.

We process, depending on the reason you register on our website, the following personal data:

  • Name, address, email address and other contact information
  • Birth data, age, marital status, sex
  • Passport, nationality, social security number, ID certificate
  • Curriculum vitae (CV), information on education and work experience, references and testimonials
  • Data on training and courses and / or tests that you have made or by following us or done
  • Data on availability and leave only captures particular personal data as necessary to fulfill its legal obligations, if you have explicitly given permission for this, or if it is otherwise authorized by or pursuant to the law. With “sensitive personal data” is meant data on race, religion or belief, political opinion, health, sexual orientation, trade union membership, criminal data and / or data on unlawful or objectionable behavior.

In the following situations, passes on (part of) your personal data to clients, suppliers and / or subcontractors:

  • In case of nominating an internship organization
  • In case of registering a language course
  • In case of insurance check performed on behalf of
  • In case of mediating for accommodation

These clients / suppliers / subcontractors process the data on the basis of our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy. can pass on your personal data in cases where we can be obliged to do so, for example by a court order. Your personal data may be transferred outside the Netherlands. has taken the necessary measures to ensure that all personal data transmitted are adequately protected.

We verwerken, afhankelijk van de reden waarom u zich op onze website registreert de volgende persoonsgegevens:

  • NAW gegevens, e-mail adres en andere contactgegevens
  • geboortegegevens, leeftijd, burgerlijke staat, geslacht,
  • curriculum vitae (CV), informatie over opleiding en werkervaring, referenties en getuigschriften
  • Paspoort, Nationaliteit, Verzekeringsnummer, Identiteitsbewijs
  • gegevens over trainingen en opleidingen en/of testen die u zelf of via ons hebt gevolgd of gedaan
  • gegevens over beschikbaarheid legt uitsluitend bijzondere persoonsgegevens vast als dat nodig is om aan haar wettelijke verplichtingen te voldoen, als u hiervoor expliciet toestemming heeft gegeven, of indien dit anders toegelaten is bij of krachtens de wet. Met ‘gevoelige persoonsgegevens’ wordt bedoeld gegevens over ras, godsdienst of levensovertuiging, politieke gezindheid, gezondheid, seksuele leven, lidmaatschap vakvereniging, strafrechtelijke persoonsgegevens en/of persoonsgegevens over onrechtmatig of hinderlijk gedrag.

In de volgende situaties geeft (een deel van) uw persoonlijke gegevens door aan opdrachtgevers, leveranciers en/of onderaannemers:

  • In geval van het voordragen aan een stage biedende organisatie
  • In geval van het registreren van een taalcursus
  • In geval van verzekeringscheck uitgevoerd namens
  • In geval van het bemiddelen voor accommodatie

Deze opdrachtgevers/leveranciers/onderaannemers verwerken de gegevens op basis van onze instructies en in overeenstemming met ons privacybeleid kan uw persoonsgegevens doorgeven in gevallen waarin wij hiertoe kunnen worden verplicht, bijvoorbeeld door een gerechtelijk bevel of een rechterlijk vonnis. Uw persoonsgegevens kunnen worden doorgegeven buiten Nederland. heeft de nodige maatregelen genomen om te verzekeren dat alle doorgegeven persoonsgegevens adequaat worden beschermd.


Personal business relationships

(Clients, suppliers, vendors and any other organization where we collect personal data of the employees of the company.) processes the personal data of people involved in work for companies with whom we do business (1) for making offers for and / or provide information about the services and other activities and (2) maintain a business relationship and to close and maintain agreements.
We process for example the following data:
Names, contact details and functions of contacts. may disclose personal information obtained from its business relations if it is needed to achieve the objectives of the business relationship. These data can be passed to other entities, job applicants or candidates, business partners and subcontractors (eg data processors) that provide services on its behalf, and in all other cases where is obliged to do so, for example, by a judgment in that sense. Personal data may be transferred outside the Netherlands. has taken the necessary measures to ensure that all personal data transferred are adequately protected.


On our website various links to other websites are to be found. By clicking on a link you will end up on an external website. It may be that these external websites use cookies. We would like to refer to the cookie or privacy statement of the relevant website.



A cookie is a small file that is sent by our website and placed by your browser on the device with which you visit our website. The information stored in the cookie can be sent back to our website when you visit the website again. To ensure the best possible operation of this website and to tailor the content of advertisements to your preferences, cookies are used.



Facebook Advertisement cookies

With your consent, we use cookies from to make advertisements available. These cookies ensure that relevant ads are displayed to you.

More information about Facebook’s cookies can be found here.

Google Analytics and Adwords cookies

Cookies are also placed by Google Analytics. We would like to research how visitors use our website and how many people visit the website on a monthly basis. In this way we can optimize the use of the website. Of course we do not want you to be tracked undesirably, however, in order to provide you with the best possible service, we need good statistics. With Google Analytics, the information is anonymised as well as possible. Your IP address is expressly not used. We can not therefore personally reduce you. More information about the Google Analytics policy can be found here.


We zullen uw gegevens niet langer dan noodzakelijk voor het doel waarvoor ze zijn ontvangen bewaren. Wanneer u zich uitschrijft voor onze e-mails, zullen uw persoonsgegevens uiterlijk aan het eind van de desbetreffende maand uit het systeem worden verwijderd.

De gegevens in ons administratie-, boekhoud- en CRM-systeem worden tenminste 7 jaar bewaard, onder andere om aan alle wettelijke verplichtingen te voldoen. Binnen 1 jaar na het verlopen van deze verplichting worden deze gegevens door ons verwijderd.

De bovenstaande termijn geldt, mits er verdere voor ons wettelijke verplichtingen bestaan om de gegevens langer te bewaren en/of beschikbaar te houden.


Storage period

We will not keep your data for longer than necessary for the purpose for which they were received. If you unsubscribe from our e-mails, your personal data will be removed from the system by the end of the relevant month at the latest.

The data in our administration, accounting and CRM system are retained for at least 7 years, among other things to comply with all legal obligations.

Within 1 year after the expiry of this obligation, these data will be removed by us. The above deadline applies, provided there are further legal obligations for us to keep the data longer and / or to keep it available.

Security does everything to protect your personal data against unauthorized use. We do this by using physical, administrative and technological measures, including encryption using an SSL certificate. For example, only authorized persons have access to the data. If and to the extent that information is disclosed to third parties, has agreed with them that they process the data on the basis of our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy.


You always have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, after which will no longer process this data. Withdrawing this consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data declaration on the basis of your consent, which took place prior to this withdrawal.

You also have the right to access your personal data and the right to rectify your personal data. If you want to know which personal data we process from you, you can submit a written request for access.

If your details are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can ask us in writing to change or add to your details.

In addition, you are entitled to the deletion of your personal data, the right to limit the processing and the right to object to the processing. You are also entitled to transfer or make transferable your data. You can also submit a written request for this.

We will process every request within 1 month. By written means is also understood by e-mail. You can e-mail your request to us via

Questions, comments or complaints

If you have questions, comments or complaints about the protection of your personal data by, please write us or e-mail us via


From time to time for various reasons, changes, makes additions or changes to its Privacy Statement. The most current Privacy Statement shall at all times be seen on the website of This version was prepared in May 2018.


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