Contribution to the Sustainable development goals

Common interest

One of the main reasons why social impact is crucial for us is because we are convinced that a successful business should be more than just profitable. It is our duty to actively contribute to the well-being of our fellow human beings and the planet as a whole.

What are SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals serve as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. consumption and much more. Our mission here is to be part of the global effort to build a sustainable and inclusive world.

Making an impact on different levels

The focus is on developing resilience among young people and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own lives. In addition, we encourage young people to explore their boundaries and learn to indicate them in a healthy way. Since the establishment of YourJourney Academy and Malaga Business Bootcamp, there has been a shared mission to guide young people in their personal development and professional growth. By organizing internships and coaching programs, we want to have a positive impact on the lives of these young people. We believe that building the future of youth is crucial not only for themselves, but also for society as a whole.

Our mission is to guide you in taking responsibility for a healthy, happy and meaningful life. This mission is woven into every business unit and is an important driver at the deepest level. We guide young people in making their own choices and offer an unforgettable learning experience. This does not mean that it is always easy or fun, but certainly educational and very often life changing.

Málaga Business Bootcamp

With Málaga Business Bootcamp we want to support both students and the local community. By linking groups of students to local entrepreneurs, we let them help each other. Málaga Business Bootcamp is greatly appreciated by the local community and companies are enthusiastic about the innovative approach and the creative ideas that students bring to the table


The idea for the Your Journey platform originated from the internship mediation agency which Joyce is co-owner. Because Joyce notices every day that young people experience stress when making choices about study, work and gap year, she founded this platform.

Good health and well-being

One of the most fundamental goals is to ensure good health and well-being for all people, regardless of their background. SDG 3 focuses on eradicating disease, reducing maternal mortality, promoting mental health and ensuring universal access to affordable health care. This goal recognizes that health is the foundation for personal and social well-being, and only by ensuring a healthy population can we build a resilient and sustainable society.


Through the Teacher Mastery, a training program for teachers, we will focus on the mental health and resilience of teachers. Under the guise of ‘if teachers take good care of themselves, they can also take better care of students’, we want to make an impact on the quality of the teacher’s working environment. Indirectly, the student benefits from this. Starting from one’s own strength and taking responsibility for one’s own happiness in life is central to this. International experience will play an important role in this.


We aim to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by a third, through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and wellbeing. At YourJourney, we are committed to providing effective coaching that can take away stress and other mental health issues.

Naast onze focus op persoonlijke ontwikkeling in alle facetten van ons bedrijf, organiseren we ook diverse evenementen, zoals meet-ups en volleybalwedstrijden, om een gezonde en positieve omgeving te creëren. Onze inzet is gericht op het waarborgen van een gezonde levensstijl en het bevorderen van het welzijn van al onze medewerkers en klanten.

Met onze coachingprogramma’s en diverse initiatieven zetten we ons in voor een wereld waarin geestelijke gezondheid en welzijn centraal staan.


Coverage of essential health services is of enormous importance in a new environment. It can be quite difficult to determine which health services should be covered, as this is highly dependent on the individual. We find it extremely important to ensure that our students can live safely and well insured in the South of Spain.

This will also be discussed during the intake interview for students who will do an internship in southern Spain. Curious about Carefree Southern Spain Exploration: JoHo Insurance – (



Quality education

A key to empowerment and progress is providing quality education to all people, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. SDG 4 aims to promote inclusive and equal education, and to promote lifelong learning. This goal recognizes that education is the key to unlocking human potential and promoting personal growth, economic opportunity, and social advancement.


We will encourage schools to purchase bootcamps that involve multidisciplinary, international and different levels of education. In this way, students gain experience working with professionals in other fields and levels of society. This will lead to greater understanding and equivalence. Intercultural differences will also be easily bridged.

De komende jaren zal de scholing van docenten door middel van de Teacher Mastery (zie 3) en workshops tijdens de bootcamps nadrukkelijker vorm krijgen. Focus is om docenten in staat te stellen beter aan te sluiten bij de ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt, de eigen gezondheid en behoefte van de jongere doelgroepen.  


We strive to increase the graduation rate of our customers. We do this by offering high-quality educational projects in the form of Málaga Business Bootcamp. By giving participants a real picture of what is expected in the field, they can better understand their learning goals and see how their efforts contribute to their future success. This increases their motivation and determination to successfully complete the bootcamp.


Málaga Business Bootcamp welcomes participants from all types of schools and we do our utmost to ensure that there is a good diversity present.


Our aim is to significantly increase the number of young people and adults with relevant skills, with an emphasis on technical and vocational skills, in order to promote employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. In addition to offering Málaga Business Bootcamps for students, we also provide numerous opportunities and learning moments for teachers. Some examples of this are workshops during MBB, teacher projects and more.

Decent work and economic growth

Sustainable economic growth is essential to promote prosperity for all and create decent and livelihooded jobs. SDG 8 aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive employment and decent work for all. This goal also highlights the need to improve informal work, reduce youth unemployment and promote modern working conditions that protect workers and respect their rights.


We will work more intensively with Spanish schools to encourage Spanish students to participate in educational projects that we organize. At present, there is still a high level of unemployment among young people in Spain. By participating in the bootcamps, Spanish students create teaching experiences that are assessed as a (proven) Unique Selling Point during job interviews and university admissions. In this way, the bootcamps ensure a better and equal connection to the labor market of local young people.


We promote the formalization and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises through our many MBB projects that we have organized and will organize in Málaga. By explicitly involving the business community in Spain in the education projects, the business community is positively confronted with the added value that young people can already provide in business. This activates companies to create employment. It also leads to a greater willingness to make internships available to foreign and local students.


In addition to interns, we also offer opportunities for young people who are not following training. Think, for example, of language trips, retreats of YourJourney, other coaching programs and internships for young people during a gap year.


We attach great importance to the well-being of our employees and strive for a safe and comfortable working environment. Our office is equipped with amenities such as air conditioning, a cold water dispenser and a relaxation area. We also offer our employees the opportunity to work from home if possible, which contributes to a flexible working environment. The employees are also continuously given the opportunity to continue to develop personally and professionally through coaching and training.

Reduce inequality

Addressing inequality in all its forms is crucial to creating a just and inclusive society. SDG 10 focuses on reducing income inequality, promoting social, economic and political inclusion of all people, regardless of their age, gender, disability, ethnicity or origin. This goal recognises that everyone has the right to participate in social life and that combating inequality is a necessary step towards achieving sustainable development.


Partly we will intensify cooperation with Spanish schools (see 8.), partly we will work more intensively with social organisations to support them in achieving their goals of reducing inequality. Think of refugee and homeless organizations.


Our focus is on strengthening and promoting social, economic and political inclusion for everyone, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic status. We are committed to providing equal learning opportunities to all our participants. That is why we actively strive to involve Spanish students in Málaga Business Bootcamp projects and involve them in our initiatives.


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