My sustainable journey​

How can you make a social impact?

What steps can you take to make a positive social impact? In the Netherlands the focus is more on sustainability than in Spain, yet you can already make a difference. Discover how you can make your experience abroad sustainable and responsible in the South of Spain.

Pack your suitcase smartly!

  1. Choose an environmentally friendly suitcase: Start by choosing a suitcase made from sustainable materials, such as recycled plastics or biodegradable fibers. Avoid suitcases with a hard plastic exterior, as they are often not recyclable and are difficult to degrade.

  2. Pay attention to your luggage: Bring only the essentials you need during your trip. The less you take with you, the lighter your suitcase will be and the less fuel will be consumed during transport. Therefore, be critical when selecting your clothes and other items. You can also buy a lot in southern Spain, so don’t worry too much.

  3. Go for sustainable packaging: For example, use reusable bags. Avoid single-use plastic bags and plastic wrap. By using reusable packaging, you reduce the amount of waste you produce during your trip.

  4. Sustainable clothing choices: Choose clothing made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton, hemp or bamboo. These materials have a smaller carbon footprint and are often of higher quality, so they last longer. Moreover, these materials are very breathable, which is certainly nice for southern Spain. 😃

  5. Reusable water bottle: Bring a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles. In many places you can safely drink tap water, and by filling your own bottle, you avoid unnecessary waste.

Travel by train and save money!

With a distance of about 2300 km, it seems almost inevitable to consider the aircraft. However, it is important to emphasize that air travel burdens the environment much more than the same trip by train, namely 7 to 11 times more. This makes the aircraft the worst option for the environment. If you decide to travel to southern Spain by train, you may be eligible for an additional subsidy on top of erasmus’ own 50 euros, depending on your educational institution. This means that you only sometimes have to pay 200 euros in travel costs yourself for your outward and return journey. This is often a much cheaper option compared to the plane.

Sustainable grocery shopping:

  1. Buy local and seasonal: Look for local markets and farm shops to do your shopping. By purchasing seasonal produce, you’ll encourage local agriculture and reduce the carbon footprint associated with importing food over long distances.

  2. Reusable bags and packaging: Always bring reusable shopping bags to avoid plastic bags. Plus, if you have opportunities for packaging-free shopping, take advantage of them by bringing your own reusable containers and pouches. Easy, isn’t it? 😁

  3. Organic and ecological products: Look for organic and ecologically produced products. These are often grown without the use of harmful chemicals and are more environmentally friendly. In addition, supporting organic farmers encourages sustainable agriculture.

  4. Avoid overly packaged products: Choose products with minimal packaging to reduce waste.

  5. Sustainable fishing: If you’re buying fish, make sure it comes from sustainable fishing practices. Preferably choose fish species that are not endangered and that have been caught with respect for the marine ecosystem.

Everything about energy saving in southern Spain

Energy saving is of great importance, especially in hot climates such as southern Spain, where air conditioning during the summer months is nice to be able to live comfortably. Here are some tips to save energy when using air conditioning and other electrical appliances:

Energy saving tips:

  1. Control the temperature wisely: Set the air conditioning to a comfortable but not too cold temperature. Every degree lower significantly increases energy consumption. A recommended setting is around 24-26 degrees. If possible, use a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature to your daily schedule.

  2. Close windows and curtains: Keep windows and curtains closed during the hottest hours of the day to keep the heat out. This prevents the air conditioning from having to work extra hard to maintain the indoor temperature.

  3. Use fans: Make use of ceiling fans or portable fans. This helps to spread the coolness in the room and reduces dependence on the air conditioning.

  4. Turn off devices: Turn off electrical appliances and lights when not in use. Devices in standby mode still consume power, so unplug them when you’re not using them.

Everything about energy saving in southern Spain

The conservation of nature in southern Spain is a shared responsibility of both locals and visitors. Cleaning up waste on the beach, among other things, is an essential step to protect and preserve this ecosystem for future generations. Leaving litter on the beach can have serious consequences for marine life, such as the ingestion of plastic by fish and marine animals. By properly cleaning up our waste, we can minimize these harmful effects and treat nature with respect.

Share your sustainable experience

After your trip to southern Spain, you have not only collected beautiful memories, but also gained valuable knowledge and insights about sustainability. Sharing this knowledge with others can have a positive impact on the way we interact with our environment and the world around us. Together we can contribute to the preservation of the beauty and natural resources of southern Spain while securing a sustainable future for future generations.

Making an impact on different levels

Sustainability is more than just a temporary effort; It is a lifestyle that we must continue to embrace and cherish. Maintaining and continuing to implement sustainable habits is of great importance for creating a positive impact on the environment and our society in the long term. Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain habits, our tip is to set achievable goals. We can set ourselves realistic goals and take small steps to achieve them. Every little positive change contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle!

Do you have a question?

It is of course also possible that you still have questions. Please contact us and we will ensure that you are helped as soon as possible.


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