Learning Spanish in a fun way – Is that possible?

Everyone dreams of speaking a bit of Spanish after their internship in Spain. Whether it’s to impress others post-internship or navigate that charming Spanish restaurant, ordering that drink becomes a breeze. As a former intern in sunny Spain, I had plenty of opportunities to enhance my Spanish skills. I can confidently say that learning Spanish in an enjoyable way is definitely achievable. Do you want to improve your language skills before and during your internship? Read on!

Start Early!
Before heading to Spain, you can do a lot to enhance your language skills. I deliberately use the word ‘pleasant’ because I strongly believe in the saying: ‘You learn by doing.’ While a Spanish course can certainly help, its effectiveness is limited compared to living in Spain for months and hearing Spanish all around you. This is a great way to improve your listening skills.

Netflix? Conversations? Reading Books? Or…?
There are countless ways to improve your Spanish, and everyone recommends something different, which can be confusing. Personally, I am a big advocate of thoroughly studying textbooks and then relaxing with my favorite Spanish Netflix series. This may be exactly what you, as a reader, need to do, or it may be that this approach is hardly effective for you. Perhaps you learn more by reading a Spanish book. You can start by borrowing a Spanish-language children’s book from the library.

How Do I Learn Spanish as Quickly as Possible?
The time needed to learn this language varies from person to person. Some may need more time than others, and that’s perfectly okay! It’s about the learning experience from various sources and not a race to the finish. Moreover, the finish line is different for everyone. While one person wants to debate Spanish politics, another is content with learning the phrase: ‘una cerveza, por favor’.

Be Careful!
The last thing you want is to experience a “language burnout” from Spanish because you’re trying to do too much too eagerly. It’s fantastic that you’re so motivated. But sometimes, it’s okay to set that book aside for a while and do a workout. 😉

What’s Next?
It’s definitely possible to learn Spanish in an enjoyable way, especially before or during your internship in Spain. Start early, choose the learning method that suits you best, realize that everyone has their own pace, and be careful not to experience a “language burnout.” Learning Spanish can be a valuable skill and a great addition to your internship experience in Spain. Good luck! 🌟


Written by Tom Noordermeer, Student Commercial Economics

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